A letter to Pastor Terry Jones of The Dove World Outreach Center, Gainesville - Florida
Email: contact@islamisofthedevil.com
Pastor Jones,
Having read your websites’ articles expressing Islam as evil, as well as observing “Burn Quran” day to commemorate 9/11, I am compelled to write back.
I live among Muslims. Most of my Muslim friends are close to me like family. I find no evil in them. I work with them, eat with them, loved some, fondly remember others ... the list of good memories and good times go on.
No one is disputing the bad apples we often come across in our day to day lives - They are everywhere. I'm sure we will find them even in "the great" US OF A.
But, while declaring what “we think” is evil, let us Christians not forget 200 years of the crusades primarily instigated by several popes and their political, hypocritical agendas. Let us not forget the Declaration of the deadly Witch Hunt instigated by early Christians in which many innocent women were prosecuted and burned alive because they preached the holy word of God.
THIS is where our roots stem from dear preacher! Bow not your head in shame – I'm not done with you yet.
Today’s modern day youth (from Christians, Muslims and other religions communities), have information available at their finger tips – Maybe it’s time you need to upgrade your IT skills and educate yourself on your own dirty history instead of hosting your vindictive little camp fire dedicated to 9/11.
Yes, I admit Global Terrorism today has become a brand name. It’s taken a severe toll on our sense of security. Living in Pakistan, we alone know this first hand – probably more than you can ever comprehend. Today, we have a grave problem of insurgency with the Taliban. The Taliban, in case you are wondering, are hand-made craftsmanship of American CIA. These men were originally Nomad Afghan Mujahedeen of the Pukhtoon Clan who took up arms against the Soviet invasion with funding and training from CIA. Pakistan too was invited to join the bandwagon due to Western external pressure and our political corruption. Majority of these nomads never held a pencil in their lives – What could you expect from people with no connection to outside world? It’s easy to brainwash and manipulate the minds of these simple people, transforming them into lethal warriors on a deadly mission.
But hey, what’s your excuse Pastor Terry Jones?
We are still a third world country dominated by several external influences like the USA, IMF and World Bank and internally, by our corrupt and “graduate’ leaders (pun intended): it's not an uncommon thing. Your people too had a fair share playing Cowboy & Indians!
Slavery and racism were rampant and exist even till today in every part of the world, yours and ours; some more evidently visible than others.
Yet, as I write to you, I need to ask why can't all the political slime and terrorism be compared to the Jewish communities still living and breeding like parasites? How come no one points fingers at them? Is Corporate Jewish America really that powerful to reckon with? Or, are they funding your little sleazy church outfit?
Some consider Adolf Hitler a HERO for attempting to wipe out their cursed race and well, a fool for not quite completing the job. . . and I second that with conviction!
Coincidently, were you aware, it was the Jews who crucified Christ and distorted the message of the Holy Grail?
Islam came into being much later on after the sad decline of the Knights Templars who were gruesomely burned alive under the orders from Pope Clement. (History starting from November 22, 1307)
So, old pal, while you are busy trying to gain some cheap popularity and Catholic bishops are busy molesting young alter boys in Rome do consider looking into your own back yard.
There is no real evil in Muslims – the real evil is YOU as you strive to instill instability, fear, disorder, terrorism, negativity, violence and hatred into humanity. You are more a threat to humanity than any radical extremist ever known.
Burning a Holy Quran will never achieve your mission's purpose and neither will it vanish away Muslims - It just makes you look like an IDIOT.
The only thing burning up in smoke right now is your ego as my vile narrations have ignited a portion of your history that lay buried and forgotten in the sands of time .............. until today.
Jude Allen
(The writer is working on several fronts with global business affiliates, associations and government projects but has no political or religious affiliations whatsoever. The writer is not a journalist and does not represent any media agency.
Projects include: One World One Peace Music Album
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